Though I am a huge fan of conda, and wanted to install tensorflow 2.7, but unfortunately i couldn’t find a conda version conda search -c conda-forge tensorflow-gpu,

Then I executed $ pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.7.0

which gave me the following error

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-gpu==2.7.0 (from versions: 0.12.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.7.1, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.11.0, 1.12.0, 1.12.2, 1.12.3, 1.13.1, 1.13.2, 1.14.0, 1.15.0, 1.15.2, 1.15.3, 1.15.4, 1.15.5, 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.0, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.4.0, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, 2.6.2)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow-gpu==2.7.0

As python 3.7 was not installed, the above error was triggered.

Following the stackoverflow link, I executed the below

% sudo apt install python3.7 python3-venv python3.7-venv
% python3.7 -m venv py37-venv
% . py37-venv/bin/activate
(py37-venv) % 

After this I executed the below from the standard TF installation from this link

pip install --upgrade pip

Finally execute -> $ pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.7.0 and tensorflow-gpu 2.7.0 was successfully installed. Yeah!!!!