
When you are using v-date-picker in vuetify 3, you might have to define a new plugin to show the date picker in the desired language.

If you are using both Options API and Composition API, then you might need the following configuration.

import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify';

import { createVueI18nAdapter } from 'vuetify/locale/adapters/vue-i18n'

import { createI18n, useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';

export default defineNuxtPlugin((app) => {
const lang = 'de' // you can set logic here to get the language from the user

const messages = {
en: {
$vuetify: {
datePicker: {
title: 'Select Date',

const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false, // you must set `false`, to use Vue 3 Composition API
locale: mappedLocale ,
fallbackLocale: 'en',

const vuetify = createVuetify({
locale: {
adapter: createVueI18nAdapter({ i18n, useI18n }),


Note here legacy should be set to false. The reason is because Vuetify 3 doesn’t support legacy to be true. Here legacy means Options API.

But you can have vue-i18n configured seperately(for $t) legacy true to use Options API. Hence you might need to define two different plugins. One for i18n and another for vuetify.

const i18n = createI18n({
  legacy: false, // you must set `false`, to use Vue 3 Composition API
  locale: mappedLocale,
  fallbackLocale: "en",
const messages = {
en: {
$vuetify: {
datePicker: {
title: 'Select Date',

Messages should be set only if you wish to show the title. If not, you can use hide-header prop in the v-date-picker component. But if you wish to show the title, then you can set the title in the messages. Else you will end up seeing $vuetify.datePicker.title on the top of component. I had to scratch my head around this to get this fixed, as vuetify 2 had no-title prop I guess if I remember correctly, which is removed in vuetify 3. Very bad move Vuetify team 😡!! The documentation is not so clear. Please update!

Currently I am using vue-18n v8. This version supports Options API. But vuetify 3 doesn’t. Hence this workaround. Hope this helps!
