This is an ongoing project since July 2, 2024.

Repo link - Vocab Trainer

Application Link -

Test credentials -> username: password: dummy123

I have been wanting to develop an mobile app for my Malayalam language learning students for a long time. I made an attempt back in 2020-21 using React Native and Expo. But due to many similar apps like that in the market, my app was reject by Apple App Store. I couldn’t get back to it due to other commitments. But here I am again, trying to build a web app using React 18 with my web development experience so far 🚀. This time, it is going to be different, as I am using TDD, clean code principles to build a stable app.

As I have laid the foundation for the app, I jumped right in by refining the ideas on paper and got some stories on my Jira board.

Here is the screenshot of my last sprint board.

Sprint 3 Image

Backlogs as below for my upcoming sprint…

Backlog Sprint 3 Image

I am currently building a Vocabulary builder for my language learning students using the following stack 🧱

  • Frontend using - React 18, Typescript and Tailwind CSS
  • Backend - Firebase
  • Unit testing - Jest & testing-library for React

Following is the demo 📹 ⏯️ of the admin page where the data is entered in CSV format.

P.S - There is a short lag after pressing the button. If you have patience for 5 more seconds, then you will see a toast message that the words are added successfully. 🤞

Backlog Sprint 3 Image


As an Admin(Screenshot above)

  • You can add words to database in multiple languages.

  • You can edit individual word entries

As an User

Signup & Login



User can learn new words.


Before learning again, user should pass 60% in a quiz.


A word list page to view all the words learned.

